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Started and helmed by Hendri Kurniawan – a certified World Barista Championship Technical and Sensory Judge, World Latte Art Championship Technical and Visual Judge, and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship Technical and Taste Judge, and a Licensed Q Grader – A Bunch of Caffeine Dealers, or ABCD, is a playground for coffee geeks, a school of coffee for those with constant craving for knowledge about coffee, a pop-up coffee bar where everybody can share a joyful coffee experience, and a kiosk where people can also buy or order coffee-making tools and equipments.

As a playground, we welcome simply everybody to come, have a chat, swap stories, or just hanging around this hole-in-the-wall.

As a school of coffee, we hold private or semi-private classes with Hendri Kurniawan himself. We also provide professional consultancy for those who want to start their coffee-related business – from concept, design, implementation, sourcing for beans, machines, and equipments, human resources, to marketing. For information on ABCD School of Coffee please visit here, or email abcd.courses@gmail.com.

As a pop-up coffee bar, we occasionally serve espresso-based beverages (latte, cappuccino, piccolo, magic, etc.) and filtered coffee (on various manual brewing methods). Our objective is to introduce many kinds of specialty grade coffee beans to the public, and to raise appreciation for specialty coffee. Graduates of our school of coffee will brew along with professional baristas. All volunteers. We would like those who enjoy this coffee experience to try nominalizing their appreciation in our famous Red Appreciation Jar. No fixed schedule for this activity. For updates, please follow our Instagram account.

As a kiosk, we sell stuff like Yellow Stuff aprons, KeepCup™, grinders, Hario V60’s, AeroPress, espresso machines, you-name-it. Most of them will be by order only, but sometimes we have what you need in stock. Occasionally we have freshly roasted beans from boutique, micro, or even nano roasters as well.


Our humble abode is inside the traditional market of Pasar Santa, Level 1, Block AL.01-BKS No. 75-77, Jl. Cipaku I, South Jakarta. We also share our information through our Instagram account: abcd_coffee. Give us a shout there, or you can CONTACT US HERE.

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Championship Coffee Weekend | ABCD - A Bunch of Caffeine Dealers

  2. Pingback: Sharing the A-B-C of Coffee in ABCD | ve handojo

  3. Pingback: #ngopidipasar Coffee No Kiasu – Sat & Sun, July 19-20 | ABCD - A Bunch of Caffeine Dealers

  4. Pingback: Saudagar Kopi Sabang : Good Things Come In Tiny Size

  5. Pingback: ABCD’s Fixed Opening Hours | A Bunch of Caffeine Dealers

  6. Pingback: Cari Kopi di Pasar Santa - Rangkaian Kata

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